Thursday, October 7, 2021

I Used to Write You Poetry

 I used to write you poetry when things were different, years ago

On a playground slide under the stars at night, our love just beginning to grow

Change to autumn, the falling leaves and chill in the air

But I'm warm when you give me your hoody to wear

Expressing feelings was never our strong suit, poetry was all we could do

To really convey how much you meant to me, how much I loved you

We'd sit in silence listening to music, you hold me on the floor

“I need you so much closer,” tears fall, I never felt this way for anyone before

I used to write you poetry until one day things changed

One day we parted ways, our last goodbyes exchanged

I didn't want you to leave, I held you too close without room to breathe

When all you wanted to do was run away from everything you knew

And I was being selfish because I didn't want to lose you

So you pushed me away, but you pushed me off a cliff's edge

Was everything we had together just built up in my head?

I used to write you poetry to try and win you back

I'd stay up at night because you'd appear in my dreams, I became an insomniac

Discarded like yesterday's news I was alone for weeks

I didn't want to see anyone, it was ages before I wanted to speak

Sobriety was too painful and I needed to numb the thought of you

To get high and block out everything else was all I wanted to do

I wrote you songs because from hurt stems inspiration and creation

But from you there was only silence, which needs no translation

I used to write you poetry until one day you finally reached out

You wanted to spend time before you joined the Navy and shipped out

So we spent a night under the stars, the most we'd spoken since since our break

It felt like a dream, but instead of slumber it happened while awake

We were to go away with your friends, a few days before you were to depart

Until a wrench was thrown in our plans when the cops pulled over the car

Our lives were thrown upside down, and after a few days that was it

You stopped speaking to me, no reason, just like that we permanently split

I used to write you poetry until I realized it could do nothing

I tried my best to pretend I was past it, and you never knew I was bluffing

But instead of sitting around and waiting for someone who didn't seem to care

I happened to find someone else who treated me right and actually was there

After everything we went through, I realized I could never really hate you

I wanted to try and be friends, but friendship is something we can never truly pursue

After love that's been lost, how is it possible to feel anything but?

Pretending and forcing it, I can't change the way I feel in my gut

I still write you poetry, but it seems it all comes out sad

But sometimes the words you write are too; do you ever think of what we had?

It's the only way I'm able to get out what I feel

Even if it's all in my head, and will never be real.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Unititled 5

 Sometimes I find myself back at the start

laying on a slide in a playground at dark
The transition to autumn brings a chill to the bone
But warmth from your embrace makes me feel at home
Though we didnt know each other long you brought a connect
And to me everything that was you was perfect
But it wasnt fair to anyone to put you on a pedestal
And the fear of losing what I thought was pure proved to be regrettable
I squeezed the air out of what life we had
And you turned away not saying a word of how you felt and why
As my walls of comfort are being torn apart
You speak, "all you need is love" while you break my heart
I'm still not sure what you meant
But just know to suffocate you was my never my intent
How come love was was all I needed while I thought that I did
Maybe you just never knew, or felt to the extent that I did
How could I know for sure when weve sat in silence
Your feelings are locked in a chest that is your heart
I could never hate the person I saw at the start
Whether or not that's still you, you're a light to whoever knows you
And maybe I was a dark point just passing through
I've accepted that you've chosen to forget 


 What a blessing it is to get closer and closer

Yet doomed to infitinely never truly be together
Maybe we are asymptotes, tangential to each other
2 hands reaching but never touching
The distance seemingly small, but between us always something 

What would i say...

What if we bumped into each other on the street

Would there be animosity when our eyes meet

Would we ignore each others presence in silence like the last time
Or throw accusations about who committed the crime
Would it soften the blow if I said there hadn't been
A single day where I hadn't thought about it since then
Its overdue for any other apologies, what is has been long done
But the healing of the wound is inevitable just like the set and rise of the sun
Whether in a day, a week, or even 10 years
What would you say if you were really here
What would I say...