Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dreamy Guy

As a child I thought I knew
What true love always seemed to be:
A beautiful girl gets the handsome man
Who treats her in the best way he can,
Puts her first in is life
Always saving her the last slice
But what if fairy tales lied
And all my child fantasies just died?
I thought that for the longest time
Maybe the man of my dreams
Isn't everything fairy tales make him out to be
Perhaps he's actually something more real
Someone we can both lean on
Who knows exactly how I feel.
The pain and depth portrayed in his eyes
Is nothing could ever criticize
Because I have been there
And the life we're living will no longer be a nightmare
We'd be able to lean on each other
And he'd understand
That would be my dream man.

Is that you?
Are you the one I can trust with everything?
My secrets, my dreams, my secret desires
Will this small spark become a wildfire?
I want your love, all your love and not revenge
Are you up for the challenge?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Over Me

Sentimental sparks in your dreams
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Screaming, "shine a light into your life"

The boundaries of who we are and the world
Are wearing thin upon the pages
Of our fairy tale romance set in gold

And all I want is for us to fall back in love
But the disease is screwing us up for life

I can't stop the world from crashing on its knees
But I'd sure as hell would love to try
Who can keep the sun from setting
Or the waves from crashing
Down over me

Priests and nuns preaching in the streets
An Avant-garde of painters try to illustrate
The thoughts and debates surging in my head

But destiny was never on my side
Fought my way through the pain
Of all the ghosts in my closet and in my brain

Now let's be realistic- I'm a nut case at heart
But you somehow put up with me

I can't stop the future from happening- still I try
Forget me not's running through my mind
Who can stop the rain from flowing
Or the leaves from falling
Down over me

And all religion won't stop picking at our brains
Along with quantum theories and the opposite sex
But I can stop my life from failing
And my friends from crying
Down over me
There's a world around me
I need to trust. Godspeed.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Inspired By the Inane Distance.

I'm sitting here, trying to write something beautiful
But it's difficult to do when nothing compares to you.
You're not here at the moment, but far away
Across the sea, an ocean, or a massive piece of land.
I guess it doesn't matter, distance is inane.
Still, it's tough not seeing you when I please:
A strain on my heartstrings, causing pain
But when I see you, God, the heavens open up
The worst is behind me, and there's nothing left but you.
I don't know how to explain this in person:
Whenever I wanna say something, you take the words away
Leaving me speechless where I am.
Maybe it's a mix of everything about you
And you don't even realize what you are to me, or do you?
I fear falling in love because of past events
That should be left behind in the shadows of yesterday,
But I don't fear it right now, because for the first time,
The actual first time in my life,
I feel like this is right-
The right place, the right time, the right person.
And I still can't believe you're here in my life.
What did I possibly do
To deserve you?
To have you?
I'm only myself, nothing more.
Yet, somehow you take that. But why?
I find it truly amazing that you think of me.
You're far beyond perfection-
I'd take a picture, but it won't do any justice.
To have you here in my arms would be the equivalent of nirvana.
The beauty of the moon, stars, and sun have nothing on you.
And I'm not trying to flatter you,
Simply stating facts.
I wish at 11.11 for three different things:
I wish that you were here with me,
But distance is a bitch, and so are superiors sometimes.
I guess they just don't understand-
They probably never will.
I wish you could attend the same college as I
But your destiny can only truly be decided by you
And I won't ask you to give up anything that you dream.
I wish that you'll never leave.
However, if you ever wanted me gone, I'd understand
And I'd leave without drama or spite.
My words, typed out after written out
Inspired by you.
And don't let anyone ever tell you you're worthless,
A fuck up, or anything less than perfect-
Because you truly are
And anyone who can't see that is far too blind of the truth.
Til we see each other again.