Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Dominoes

You said you didn't need me
You just wanna be a teenage boy
Stupid and wild and free

Not ready for anything serious
Caught me in the floods of drugs and lust
I was stupid enough to trust

You said you want a rocker girlfriend
Well baby, what am I to you?
You lied when the time arrived
Did you think I was your fool?
Late nights driving into the dark
You didn't know you were my light
Well you can it all back tonight

You should probably tell your friend Andrew
He'd be proud of all the things that you do
Afterall, dirt attracts scum

Kiss you out of my nightmares
I think I'll leave you standing there alone
Now take your shit and go

The dominoes keep falling faster
One over the next
Just like your perfect lies
Never given any rest
And now something between us died
But you'll still be cold inside
Well I'm taking it back tonight

But I loved you through and through
You were my perfect type then you
Threw it in the sea
How could you do a thing like that to me?

Maybe It's Something Else- J.R.

Perhaps the harm in staring at the sun
Is not that our eyes will be damaged,
But that our minds cannot comprehend the magnitude
Of its beauty and our dependency on it.
Perhaps it is the same with pangs of guilt
Felt after an unexpected evening's kiss-
The mind tied up in other engagements,
Preoccupied with the goings on of another
Cannot devote sufficient effort to understand,
Indulge in, or comprehend the sheer joy
At the fruition of a dream as two pairs of eyes lock,
To a slow song of beauty, desire and conflict.
Perhaps absence does not make the heart grow fonder,
But instead, the mind sharper,
Bringing with the passage of time and physical vacancy
The clear, precise desire to be with only one other
On the planet because in it the brain,
Which often ignores the spontaneity of the heart,
Sees in that girl everything he has ever wanted.
Perhaps memories are not past lessons
From which we should learn from the future
But instead are immaterial burns, scars from a long
Journey to be with and hold only one other being,
Whose presence seemingly mutes the world and
Opens the eyes to the beauty not since seen
Anywhere on this earthly bound.
Perhaps life is short not because our mortal shells
Cannot withstand the beating of time,
But because God worries that too much exposure to
This one beautiful girl will enrapture and entrance
The boy so thoroughly and completely
That he will hold no envy of heaven
As he comes to believe that next to him,
Cloaked in his arms, is an angel.
Perhaps the curves and contours of a bare body
Are not the result of an intricate symphony
Of bones and flesh,
But are the curves from letters of an alphabet that
Can only be deciphered through the lenses
Of passion and desire;
An alphabet that spells out, "this girl before you is
Beautiful beyond any words you know" and,
"This is what you've waited for and have found in no one else."
Perhaps the conflicts inherent within two people,
Who are so close yet so far away,
Do not present themselves to steer the two away from each other,
But serve instead as reminders that waiting,
While often the harest thing to do in life,
Is simultaneously the most rewarding,
Because waiting for the girl, in the case of the boy,
Is like waiting for his dreams to come true, while
Waiting for the boy, in the case of the girl,
Is like waiting for the one who acts as he speaks.
Perhaps a prayer need not only be said as
Two hands clasp with eyes closed and bended knee,
But also exist when eyes meet in a gaze
Previously unseen, which usher in a kiss and
Embrace of such unbridled desire
That the boy cannot help but say with it both,
"Thank you, God for bringing this girl of such
Indescribable magnificence into my life" and
"Please, God, let this moment never end, or if it should,
Let there be others like it, all of which are filled with
Such passion that a book could be written about each
Touch of the lips, each caress of a cheek, each
Massage of a breast."
Perhaps when the boy tells the girl he is crazy about her
He is being false to himself and to her,
For being crazy implies a splintered mind,
Or the assertion on something mentally tangible
Yet physically fictitious, whereas what he asserts-
The beauty of the girl and his unwavering desire for her-
Implies his single-mindedness on something very real
And very worth waiting for.
Perhaps a poem is futile attempt at making love
As the boy hopes that, just as a pen tenderly loves the paper on which is writes,
So will his words enter her as his body currently cannot
Though through another channel, but effecting her warm body and heart in the same way.
Perhaps what exists between the boy and girl
Is more than just space and time,
But as unseen binding that allows them to transcend both,
So strong and deeply rooted
That those who have no experienced it
Shall never be able to understand it,
Duplicate it,
Express it,
Or cherish just as he cherishes her.

Words by James Rohner.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Out of Confusion and Spite

Dedicated to someone who doesn't want a relationship

I write because I feel what I feel to be romance-
Heat boils the earth and the air we breath,
Sweat covers our bodies- not an inch is safe
The breeze from the rolled down windows of an automobile-
Our only salvation of a fresh breath through the smoldering passion
The red ball of fire rises pas the horizon of a hill with a church
Light hugs the earth in a warm embrace
As two lover, the connection from some sort of story book,
Breathe heavily as if it was God's will.
One, suffering from a past heartbreak, is caught in the moment
The other, falling for something that's not there, want the night to never end.
The kisses, falsehood to the maximum, will mark the end of an era.
The physical attraction kills the romance- makes everything deceased.
The so-called friends will be nothing more than sleeping partners,
And the one side of the circle of confusion who's emotions are on the line
Will go along with it because it's better than denying the fatal attraction
While the other side just enjoys the pleasure of being young.
Well, there's no crime in such behaviors, is there?
Who should put down the attitude of teenage rebellion?
Have we all not fallen short of what was expected of us from the High and Holy One?
However, the first side of the circle is crying-
She feels guilt for letting her mind get the better of her actions.
Who are you fooling tonight but yourself?
And the other side will leave you behind at the end
Unless what they say is true about how he really feels.
Only time can truly tell- not even the soul keeper of the hearts.
And she'll fall for him still while he continues to dance the tango of lust and juvenility.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

World View Attempt

The pathway fades to black, so the story goes.
The road is already paved for me- set so that my feet don't wander.
I feel the trees along the sides, whispering to me wickedly,
"Come with us; feel free."
I try to block out their temptations, but they softly grip my soul.
Should I leave the path, who knows what will happen.
My creators, those who together made an infant,
Lay the path before me.
Should I stray- they would shun me from their light.
Yet, the farther I walk, the pressure from the trees
Causes me to question those in command of my life.
So, overcome by teenage angst and rebellion, I walk away
From that path that I used to call home.
The trees seem to welcome me at first with warm smiles
And strong embraces that shimmer in the dazzling night lights.
But, when the sum pulls up in the dark sky, I can see the cracks
That those trees hide behind the shadows.
In the wind, the branches thrash against my body,
Hitting me hard and causing me to fall.
"I thought you were my friends," I cry as I crash against the ground.
"Friends?" they jeer at my pain. "Who wants to be your friend?"
I stand up with a jolt, and through my tears, I begin to run.
Running through the forest, deeper and deeper into the dark.
I can't return to the path, because no one will understand-
My creators won't take me back.
Farther into the black, cold labyrinth,
My heart is gripped with fear, depression, anxiety, frustration.
I stop running, petrified of my surroundings,
But as I rase my head, I feel nothing but rage.
I trusted those trees; they were my brothers and sister-
And they jeered and laughed at me: my pain, my accomplishments.
In anger I tear off any evidence of the back-stabbing brush
And kick down the walls of hypocrisy, betrayal, lunacy.
And when those walls fall with a crash to the ground
I'm blinded by white lights far brighter than anything I've ever seen.
I fall to my knees, overcome with strange emotions.
I try to catch a glimpse into the white
And I find myself staring back at a crowd of faces-
All different and unique.
They smile comfortingly and reach out towards me.
And all at once I hear music, like sweet candy to my ears,
And the faces lead me to an open field away from the forest.
The blue sky and sun come into view through the dark trees
That continue to mutter obscenities and cruelties,
But they're clocked out by the lovely symphony
Now playing in sync with the tune in my soul.
And the faces never leave, no matter how low I feel.
They continue to keep me company and provide the melody of my life.
And the trees will never hurt me or suede me from the field
Where I can be myself without the limitations of the path.
For it is the field of victory in which I permanently reside.

Sunday, April 22

When you truly love someone, I suppose no matter how hard you try, you can't stop
Today, we cuddled on your love seat
After being caught in the heat of a tickle fight.
I've waited for possibly a hope to have a chance like this again.
God, I've missed you. How I've cried.
The joy I feel at this very moment brings horrid suspicions:
Will it last? Are you just shitting me? Will my prayers be answered?
The sweetness of your embrace, the strength of your arms-
Bringing every sense of belonging in the earth to its existence.
The tears of joy, the breath of fresh air, the smell of your skin-
Will the gods be gracious and finally allow us to be together?
I can't tell anyone. Will I jinx it?
I want this to be true- more than just a summer romance under the stars;
Please give me this second chance I've been begging for.
I'd stop the world, put a halt to all eternity, bring the world to its knees.
Screw everything and anyone that doesn't understand love.
They could go to hell for judging what we have.
And it'll work for the better. And like the air, we'll rise
To the heavens when they open themselves for us.

Rant- inspired by the stupidity of others

You hold me back:
I keep my mouth shut to not offend
And then you accused me of not saying enough.
Today I am a new woman: I'll shine.
Like the crack of dawn I'll beam like a new tomorrow.
I'll speak my mind and you'll never hold me down-
Bluntly honest, you'll envy, hate, scream to shut up
But I'm better now- stop hating and get back.

Sleep Tonight

No matter how hard I tried
I couldn't get over you
It sounds so cliche
But it was really true
My heart sings for your touch
That warms the corners of my heart
But I'm afraid what I'm asking is too much
That I'm pushing you further away

I dance and sing when you say my name
The rush of energy from you drives me insane
But your soothing voice is so frickin tame
I'll sleep in your arms tonight

No matter where I go
No matter who I see
I will always belong to you
And you'll always be loved by me

You're tall and funny
I'm short and jumpy
You're cute and classy
I'm stubborn and sassy
All I know is you were made for me

Untitled 2

I bite my nails
I'm a nervous wreck
You'll expect what you will
But I'll never wear a dress.
Expect me to ruin your day
With my sarcastic remarks
But one thing's for sure
I'll be here to stay.
I'll make a scene: kick and scream
My shit's not together, but then again whose is?
You laugh at me I'll erase you from my mind
All the while thinking, "Fuck him- no longer his"
You captivate me, put a smile on my face
You think it's all great, I know it's all fake
That love I felt for you
The pain I endured
Shout out of the sky
To a puddle of desire
And I scream cause I can't get out
Stuck between the metaphysical and literal
Falling down into a deeper hole
Just get me out, fast.

Love Lesson

Love needs faith, this I know.
Life manages to straighten itself out:
If you have a little bit of faith
It will all work out for the better.
I've learned this from past relationships.
For now I'm only going through a gray area-
But who hasn't?
Except for the whores-
Their whole lives are gray areas.
Love is a falty emotion:
It creeps up on you when you least expect it
And pounds you into the dirt.
What you have to do is get right back up,
Dust yourself off and keep walking down the journey of life.
You say you hate love, but for someone that hates love
You sure seem to embrace it with open arms.
You don't have love- you hate all the shit that comes
With the emotion- the consequences.
It will work out in the end, just as all else in life will.
Heart-wrenching, but with a purpose-
To help us learn from our mistakes.

Poetry Bits

The pure beauty of two naked bodies
Their passion- endlessly deep for each other

I'm looking up at the star-covered heavens
Your eyes twinkle like theirs when I make you smile

When I'm all alone and nobody's home
I write you love songs just to tell you how I want you so

Where does the moon shine tonight?
Am I in its magnificent spotlight?

I know I'm only 17, but I also know my love is true
And it's all for you. Do you feel the same?

My heart cries for you, yet I get so tongue-twisted, never knowing what to say...

In these small hours I'm willing to strive for our love

Poetry has transformed me back to the light-hearted girl I used to be

When it's freezing outside you make everyday feel like summer

I can't stop thinking of you
It's all I ever do
Just the thought brings joy
To be alive
The breath of love fills my veins
I can breathe freely and at ease

If ever there was a storm we couldn't weather
I think you and I would be alright

Baby's a beauty in disguise
Don't know why I love him
But I gotta see it through his eyes

It's hot to my touch, but cold to my love

Stop texting me when you're lonely
Cause I'm not wasting my precious time on you

I'm scared of looking away, for fear that you'll disappear

Yet the world keeps turning
And my head keeps spinning
And we're not getting anywhere

The flames rise and the embers fly and all I can do is watch in despair as I reminisce on the house that stood there


I hate that you say you need time
Because time is limitless.
Will the minutes seep away into weeks?
Will I even get an answer?
I really like you, but the feeling's not mutual
And I won't force anything onto you.
Because I'm not that kinda girl.
Today you say the connection's not there
Tomorrow you'll try to reach out again.
My heart is hitting a dry wall
And I fall for you still.
The stupidity- I feel for you
But you're just a baby, a child.
I need to learn
That when you sleep with infants
You wake up in a wet bed.
Time for me to grow up.


I suppose I'm bipolar: one minute high as a kite, the next at the bottom of a pit.
Maybe insanity is crushing me in its suffocating grip.
I suffer from an everlong pain, boiling under the cool surface;
Soon, the ice may break and the water will bring floods-
Mass chaos, destruction throughout the once peaceful land-
The same way the tears will bring me to insanity,
Causing me to want to rip my skin to shreds and everyone around me.
I trust no one but myself. I have no one dear to me.
Everyone I poured my heart and soul to I've pushed away or has left me.
I rely on no one's companionship because I know it's only temporary;
The strongest drug will bring a temporary high,
But soon it will pass away, die like the embers of a once-raging fire;
I'll look for another hit, but won't find any source of enjoyment.
Gone are the days when I relied on them to bring the color to my face.

Untitled 1

Baby I was a fool for letting you slip away, for letting you go.
I should've never said you were less important than him.
I should've never told you goodbye.
From the moment I stepped out of your car I regretted what I said.
I feel like I left a piece of me behind there with you.
The hurt I've ever caused you, any ounce of misery-
I'd take it all upon myself to be back in your arms again,
To hear you say that you love me and everything'll be alright,
But you're with her now and you could care less
About anything I said about you both now and past.

On The Floors of Penn Station- Dedicated to someone special

What can you paint across my sky:
Tears of joy and thoughts in your head that tell you to scream with a passionated wonder?
What I would do, what I would give to out a smile upon those heavenly lips-
The twinkle in your eyes when I make you laugh brings me such joy to be alive,
To finally have something to live for, a purpose.
The stars, though small to our eyes, light up the midnight sky
And you're the greatest of those stars in my dark world.
You give me light to see clearly what is right.
I'll live in happiness with you in my life,
And I'll praise God everyday for bringing you into my life.
I didn't deserve you; I'm a vain and wicket human,
But somehow you were placed before me that day
And I swear to you that all doors were opened.
I've never felt this way before
And I never want to feel it for anyone but you.
To you, I'd give the world on a silver platter;
For you, I'd bring the whole world to its knees;
From you, all I ask is for you to give me a chance
To prove myself worthy of those three words
That dance a sort of waltz on your beautiful, pink tongue.
I feel weak to my knees in your strong embrace:
Warm and right, like a home.
When you're not around I feel empty, lost, confused.
I guess it's just my teenage paranoia of feeling alone, suffering solitude.
The insecurities of my adolescence sometimes make me sick with disgust;
The tears of loneliness make me ashamed.
I'm not saying I need you to cure my solitude phobia-
I'm saying I need you because a day without you is a day without sun:
The rain nurtures the earth, but after a while the rain causes floods,
But the sun dries every ounce of excess water from every single pore of the earth.
The sun brings light and heat to the earth,
And just like the earth needs the sun, I need you.
You've become part of me, occupied a part of my heart.
I want to build the blocks up again for our relationship
I want you to be part of my world again.
I don't want to put that part of my heart for sale again
Because the truth is you make it home for me.
To feel your arms around me as you comfort me from the world and its worries,
The spark I feel to be loved by someone like you:
A boy, no, a man with such wisdom and charm,
The humor and the looks-you're a Greek god on earth:
And angel sent from heaven.
I can't promise you forever, or even tomorrow for that matter,
But I can promise you today.
I yearn to have you in my arms: the warmth of your skin,
The taste of your lips as they dance in perfect rhythm with mine-
I'd give all the money I have, every possession I own,
Everything to obtain this once more.
The touch of your fingers on my cheek, tracing perfect lines
Sends shivers down my spine of pure excitement and enchantment.
I am addicted to the scent of your hair and skin
With bittersweet memories of summer afternoons we spent together.
I swoon at the poetry you write to me, but "maybe it's something else;"
Maybe it's more than the physical that leaves me stunned where I stand-
Maybe it's everything about you.
I miss the way you make every horrific moment of my life one that I can laugh at
Whether it be about how no man who's ever drive a minivan is happy
Or how you may drop me into a mountain someday.
It's the way you can magically turn something dark, light,
How every single one of your stories makes me smile,
And how, no matter how late, we could always met up briefly for a cup of 7/11 coffee.
You're my guardian angel, my best friend, my love.
"I'm glad I didn't die before I met you."
I'll wait for you, but I'll never complain-
I'll do it out of love, patience- And if you refuse me I'll let you live the rest of your days in peace.
I'll support whatever decision you make
Because all I ever want in my life is for you to be happy-
And not necessarily with me.
I've tried to tell you this for so long, but "my words get in the way."
I live in utter fear, the fear that you'll reject me without the opportunity
To tell you everything I've ever wanted to say,
The fear that you'll find me spineless and dependent on only your approval
Like an immature, little school girl.
I thought I was dependent on you in order to have a life,
But the fact is I'm dependent on you to complete my life
And to make the space in my heart whole with your love once more.
But before my own well-being I will always put yours first.
I'm sick of this vanity game I'm playing-
I want to finally put someone else's needs before my own.
Those nights when I cried on the phone, without any reason left to hold it all inside
You were there for me.
You make life worth the living.
So those three words are for you;
I'd say them over and over until I have not a breath left to spare.
And though you're a Mr. Seaweed Monster Man, you're mind,
And I'll always be your Sweet and Low- sweet and low to the ground.
I will gladly paint on your sky love: the greatest power of all-
The power that brings two imperfect humans together in matrimony;
The power that will make any one being sacrifice themselves for another;
the power that will cause any one person to change for one other-
To make love is so much more than pleasuring yours or the other's needs;
Making love is bringing two people, crazy for each other in absolutely selfless,
Unconditional love together once and for all,
Two human who have ventured through time and space to find each other.
I'm screaming under the calm and peaceful surface: I'm waiting for you and I'll continue to wait.
You're the rock and roll at a local pub;
You're the dance music at a disco club;
You're the symphony I play with my violin;
You're the melody that's stuck on replay in my head.
You're my wonderwall, songbird, sunshine and rain.
Everything beautiful and poetic is you and all of my love is true.

Sunset Boulevard- Inspired by the movie

I'm a writer, you're an actress
You want me but I could care less
But I stay with you regardless

I have a life of my own
But you'll never let me go
And I accept that

You wanna be famous yet again
But I want a spotlight

Hey Norma Desmond, you're such a little creep
Stealing all the boys and leaving the good girls in the street
Hey Norma Desmond, stop playing around
All I know is your feel will almost never touch the ground

You took me in when I was on the run
Fell for me but I wanted someone else
And ya didn't like that

The silent film queen of your day
The time is gone and things have changed
Say hello to Hollywood

You're the Miss Havisham of today
Get back at cruelty of yesterday

In My Life

I have a question for you: may I have this dance?
Just promise me one thing: you won't drop me on my ass.
I laugh to this day- you definitely were something special
But hey... at least you could dance marenge

And in my life the most important thing is you
And in my life... I sure love you

I don't even know what happened. I can't explain what I felt
You brought me out of darkness and into light
Winter turn to spring and the flowers bloomed again
So the Led Zeppelin song is true: it's the springtime of my lovin

Doesn't matter what the day brings
Doesn't matter where you are
With your talk of Hannah Montana
And your white jokes that just brighten my life

Doesn't matter if it's rainy or shiny
Doesn't matter if it's foggy or hazey
You brought me back to my feet
And gave me this song to sing

I Want It

Living life in the fast lane
Always do what I was told
Didn't know where to turn to
Until I found you that day
I was always treated like another
Ordinary girl
I was tired of living in my box
So I decided to spread my wings for a while

I want it, I want it
I wanna touch the sky, all the way up high
I want it, I need it
I need to get that high, together you and I- la dee dye

I never chose to feel this way
But it happened anyhow
I feel so free, feel so young
My attention is found
And I can say I'm no longer bound
My dreams have finally taken form
I'm no longer in the norm
You've flown with me to the top
Through the heartaches and rocks
Of they journey thus far

Never Goes Away

My mind is racing at the speed of light
I've been thinking of you all night
Can't fall asleep, my mind's too deep
But why must it be this way?
I've been looking forward to seeing you every week
I try to stay strong for you but I'm just too damn weak
I'm tired of cryin, I'm asking why and
It's getting so hard for me to say this

But I just can't live without you now
The distance is too damn straining

And if it's written on my face I hope it never goes away
Cause I wouldn't know what to say
You take my words away and you leave completely breathless
And I love every minute of it

The world passes by everyday
They're speaking words but I can't understand what they say
Are they talkin to me, and do they see
That I just don't give a damn
Now I'm stuttering and can't speak right
You're here now and I can finally see the light
Why do I act strange? My vocab ranges
from the words "I" to "love you"

And I, I feel like a fool
Cause I'm just me and you're just too cool

I look at you and the world stands still
And all I can say is will you dance
Will you dance with me?