Saturday, July 10, 2010

In My Life

I have a question for you: may I have this dance?
Just promise me one thing: you won't drop me on my ass.
I laugh to this day- you definitely were something special
But hey... at least you could dance marenge

And in my life the most important thing is you
And in my life... I sure love you

I don't even know what happened. I can't explain what I felt
You brought me out of darkness and into light
Winter turn to spring and the flowers bloomed again
So the Led Zeppelin song is true: it's the springtime of my lovin

Doesn't matter what the day brings
Doesn't matter where you are
With your talk of Hannah Montana
And your white jokes that just brighten my life

Doesn't matter if it's rainy or shiny
Doesn't matter if it's foggy or hazey
You brought me back to my feet
And gave me this song to sing

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