Saturday, July 10, 2010


I suppose I'm bipolar: one minute high as a kite, the next at the bottom of a pit.
Maybe insanity is crushing me in its suffocating grip.
I suffer from an everlong pain, boiling under the cool surface;
Soon, the ice may break and the water will bring floods-
Mass chaos, destruction throughout the once peaceful land-
The same way the tears will bring me to insanity,
Causing me to want to rip my skin to shreds and everyone around me.
I trust no one but myself. I have no one dear to me.
Everyone I poured my heart and soul to I've pushed away or has left me.
I rely on no one's companionship because I know it's only temporary;
The strongest drug will bring a temporary high,
But soon it will pass away, die like the embers of a once-raging fire;
I'll look for another hit, but won't find any source of enjoyment.
Gone are the days when I relied on them to bring the color to my face.

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