Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sunset Boulevard- Inspired by the movie

I'm a writer, you're an actress
You want me but I could care less
But I stay with you regardless

I have a life of my own
But you'll never let me go
And I accept that

You wanna be famous yet again
But I want a spotlight

Hey Norma Desmond, you're such a little creep
Stealing all the boys and leaving the good girls in the street
Hey Norma Desmond, stop playing around
All I know is your feel will almost never touch the ground

You took me in when I was on the run
Fell for me but I wanted someone else
And ya didn't like that

The silent film queen of your day
The time is gone and things have changed
Say hello to Hollywood

You're the Miss Havisham of today
Get back at cruelty of yesterday

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