Saturday, July 10, 2010

On The Floors of Penn Station- Dedicated to someone special

What can you paint across my sky:
Tears of joy and thoughts in your head that tell you to scream with a passionated wonder?
What I would do, what I would give to out a smile upon those heavenly lips-
The twinkle in your eyes when I make you laugh brings me such joy to be alive,
To finally have something to live for, a purpose.
The stars, though small to our eyes, light up the midnight sky
And you're the greatest of those stars in my dark world.
You give me light to see clearly what is right.
I'll live in happiness with you in my life,
And I'll praise God everyday for bringing you into my life.
I didn't deserve you; I'm a vain and wicket human,
But somehow you were placed before me that day
And I swear to you that all doors were opened.
I've never felt this way before
And I never want to feel it for anyone but you.
To you, I'd give the world on a silver platter;
For you, I'd bring the whole world to its knees;
From you, all I ask is for you to give me a chance
To prove myself worthy of those three words
That dance a sort of waltz on your beautiful, pink tongue.
I feel weak to my knees in your strong embrace:
Warm and right, like a home.
When you're not around I feel empty, lost, confused.
I guess it's just my teenage paranoia of feeling alone, suffering solitude.
The insecurities of my adolescence sometimes make me sick with disgust;
The tears of loneliness make me ashamed.
I'm not saying I need you to cure my solitude phobia-
I'm saying I need you because a day without you is a day without sun:
The rain nurtures the earth, but after a while the rain causes floods,
But the sun dries every ounce of excess water from every single pore of the earth.
The sun brings light and heat to the earth,
And just like the earth needs the sun, I need you.
You've become part of me, occupied a part of my heart.
I want to build the blocks up again for our relationship
I want you to be part of my world again.
I don't want to put that part of my heart for sale again
Because the truth is you make it home for me.
To feel your arms around me as you comfort me from the world and its worries,
The spark I feel to be loved by someone like you:
A boy, no, a man with such wisdom and charm,
The humor and the looks-you're a Greek god on earth:
And angel sent from heaven.
I can't promise you forever, or even tomorrow for that matter,
But I can promise you today.
I yearn to have you in my arms: the warmth of your skin,
The taste of your lips as they dance in perfect rhythm with mine-
I'd give all the money I have, every possession I own,
Everything to obtain this once more.
The touch of your fingers on my cheek, tracing perfect lines
Sends shivers down my spine of pure excitement and enchantment.
I am addicted to the scent of your hair and skin
With bittersweet memories of summer afternoons we spent together.
I swoon at the poetry you write to me, but "maybe it's something else;"
Maybe it's more than the physical that leaves me stunned where I stand-
Maybe it's everything about you.
I miss the way you make every horrific moment of my life one that I can laugh at
Whether it be about how no man who's ever drive a minivan is happy
Or how you may drop me into a mountain someday.
It's the way you can magically turn something dark, light,
How every single one of your stories makes me smile,
And how, no matter how late, we could always met up briefly for a cup of 7/11 coffee.
You're my guardian angel, my best friend, my love.
"I'm glad I didn't die before I met you."
I'll wait for you, but I'll never complain-
I'll do it out of love, patience- And if you refuse me I'll let you live the rest of your days in peace.
I'll support whatever decision you make
Because all I ever want in my life is for you to be happy-
And not necessarily with me.
I've tried to tell you this for so long, but "my words get in the way."
I live in utter fear, the fear that you'll reject me without the opportunity
To tell you everything I've ever wanted to say,
The fear that you'll find me spineless and dependent on only your approval
Like an immature, little school girl.
I thought I was dependent on you in order to have a life,
But the fact is I'm dependent on you to complete my life
And to make the space in my heart whole with your love once more.
But before my own well-being I will always put yours first.
I'm sick of this vanity game I'm playing-
I want to finally put someone else's needs before my own.
Those nights when I cried on the phone, without any reason left to hold it all inside
You were there for me.
You make life worth the living.
So those three words are for you;
I'd say them over and over until I have not a breath left to spare.
And though you're a Mr. Seaweed Monster Man, you're mind,
And I'll always be your Sweet and Low- sweet and low to the ground.
I will gladly paint on your sky love: the greatest power of all-
The power that brings two imperfect humans together in matrimony;
The power that will make any one being sacrifice themselves for another;
the power that will cause any one person to change for one other-
To make love is so much more than pleasuring yours or the other's needs;
Making love is bringing two people, crazy for each other in absolutely selfless,
Unconditional love together once and for all,
Two human who have ventured through time and space to find each other.
I'm screaming under the calm and peaceful surface: I'm waiting for you and I'll continue to wait.
You're the rock and roll at a local pub;
You're the dance music at a disco club;
You're the symphony I play with my violin;
You're the melody that's stuck on replay in my head.
You're my wonderwall, songbird, sunshine and rain.
Everything beautiful and poetic is you and all of my love is true.

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