Sunday, July 11, 2010

Out of Confusion and Spite

Dedicated to someone who doesn't want a relationship

I write because I feel what I feel to be romance-
Heat boils the earth and the air we breath,
Sweat covers our bodies- not an inch is safe
The breeze from the rolled down windows of an automobile-
Our only salvation of a fresh breath through the smoldering passion
The red ball of fire rises pas the horizon of a hill with a church
Light hugs the earth in a warm embrace
As two lover, the connection from some sort of story book,
Breathe heavily as if it was God's will.
One, suffering from a past heartbreak, is caught in the moment
The other, falling for something that's not there, want the night to never end.
The kisses, falsehood to the maximum, will mark the end of an era.
The physical attraction kills the romance- makes everything deceased.
The so-called friends will be nothing more than sleeping partners,
And the one side of the circle of confusion who's emotions are on the line
Will go along with it because it's better than denying the fatal attraction
While the other side just enjoys the pleasure of being young.
Well, there's no crime in such behaviors, is there?
Who should put down the attitude of teenage rebellion?
Have we all not fallen short of what was expected of us from the High and Holy One?
However, the first side of the circle is crying-
She feels guilt for letting her mind get the better of her actions.
Who are you fooling tonight but yourself?
And the other side will leave you behind at the end
Unless what they say is true about how he really feels.
Only time can truly tell- not even the soul keeper of the hearts.
And she'll fall for him still while he continues to dance the tango of lust and juvenility.

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