Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maybe It's Something Else- J.R.

Perhaps the harm in staring at the sun
Is not that our eyes will be damaged,
But that our minds cannot comprehend the magnitude
Of its beauty and our dependency on it.
Perhaps it is the same with pangs of guilt
Felt after an unexpected evening's kiss-
The mind tied up in other engagements,
Preoccupied with the goings on of another
Cannot devote sufficient effort to understand,
Indulge in, or comprehend the sheer joy
At the fruition of a dream as two pairs of eyes lock,
To a slow song of beauty, desire and conflict.
Perhaps absence does not make the heart grow fonder,
But instead, the mind sharper,
Bringing with the passage of time and physical vacancy
The clear, precise desire to be with only one other
On the planet because in it the brain,
Which often ignores the spontaneity of the heart,
Sees in that girl everything he has ever wanted.
Perhaps memories are not past lessons
From which we should learn from the future
But instead are immaterial burns, scars from a long
Journey to be with and hold only one other being,
Whose presence seemingly mutes the world and
Opens the eyes to the beauty not since seen
Anywhere on this earthly bound.
Perhaps life is short not because our mortal shells
Cannot withstand the beating of time,
But because God worries that too much exposure to
This one beautiful girl will enrapture and entrance
The boy so thoroughly and completely
That he will hold no envy of heaven
As he comes to believe that next to him,
Cloaked in his arms, is an angel.
Perhaps the curves and contours of a bare body
Are not the result of an intricate symphony
Of bones and flesh,
But are the curves from letters of an alphabet that
Can only be deciphered through the lenses
Of passion and desire;
An alphabet that spells out, "this girl before you is
Beautiful beyond any words you know" and,
"This is what you've waited for and have found in no one else."
Perhaps the conflicts inherent within two people,
Who are so close yet so far away,
Do not present themselves to steer the two away from each other,
But serve instead as reminders that waiting,
While often the harest thing to do in life,
Is simultaneously the most rewarding,
Because waiting for the girl, in the case of the boy,
Is like waiting for his dreams to come true, while
Waiting for the boy, in the case of the girl,
Is like waiting for the one who acts as he speaks.
Perhaps a prayer need not only be said as
Two hands clasp with eyes closed and bended knee,
But also exist when eyes meet in a gaze
Previously unseen, which usher in a kiss and
Embrace of such unbridled desire
That the boy cannot help but say with it both,
"Thank you, God for bringing this girl of such
Indescribable magnificence into my life" and
"Please, God, let this moment never end, or if it should,
Let there be others like it, all of which are filled with
Such passion that a book could be written about each
Touch of the lips, each caress of a cheek, each
Massage of a breast."
Perhaps when the boy tells the girl he is crazy about her
He is being false to himself and to her,
For being crazy implies a splintered mind,
Or the assertion on something mentally tangible
Yet physically fictitious, whereas what he asserts-
The beauty of the girl and his unwavering desire for her-
Implies his single-mindedness on something very real
And very worth waiting for.
Perhaps a poem is futile attempt at making love
As the boy hopes that, just as a pen tenderly loves the paper on which is writes,
So will his words enter her as his body currently cannot
Though through another channel, but effecting her warm body and heart in the same way.
Perhaps what exists between the boy and girl
Is more than just space and time,
But as unseen binding that allows them to transcend both,
So strong and deeply rooted
That those who have no experienced it
Shall never be able to understand it,
Duplicate it,
Express it,
Or cherish just as he cherishes her.

Words by James Rohner.

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