Saturday, July 10, 2010

World View Attempt

The pathway fades to black, so the story goes.
The road is already paved for me- set so that my feet don't wander.
I feel the trees along the sides, whispering to me wickedly,
"Come with us; feel free."
I try to block out their temptations, but they softly grip my soul.
Should I leave the path, who knows what will happen.
My creators, those who together made an infant,
Lay the path before me.
Should I stray- they would shun me from their light.
Yet, the farther I walk, the pressure from the trees
Causes me to question those in command of my life.
So, overcome by teenage angst and rebellion, I walk away
From that path that I used to call home.
The trees seem to welcome me at first with warm smiles
And strong embraces that shimmer in the dazzling night lights.
But, when the sum pulls up in the dark sky, I can see the cracks
That those trees hide behind the shadows.
In the wind, the branches thrash against my body,
Hitting me hard and causing me to fall.
"I thought you were my friends," I cry as I crash against the ground.
"Friends?" they jeer at my pain. "Who wants to be your friend?"
I stand up with a jolt, and through my tears, I begin to run.
Running through the forest, deeper and deeper into the dark.
I can't return to the path, because no one will understand-
My creators won't take me back.
Farther into the black, cold labyrinth,
My heart is gripped with fear, depression, anxiety, frustration.
I stop running, petrified of my surroundings,
But as I rase my head, I feel nothing but rage.
I trusted those trees; they were my brothers and sister-
And they jeered and laughed at me: my pain, my accomplishments.
In anger I tear off any evidence of the back-stabbing brush
And kick down the walls of hypocrisy, betrayal, lunacy.
And when those walls fall with a crash to the ground
I'm blinded by white lights far brighter than anything I've ever seen.
I fall to my knees, overcome with strange emotions.
I try to catch a glimpse into the white
And I find myself staring back at a crowd of faces-
All different and unique.
They smile comfortingly and reach out towards me.
And all at once I hear music, like sweet candy to my ears,
And the faces lead me to an open field away from the forest.
The blue sky and sun come into view through the dark trees
That continue to mutter obscenities and cruelties,
But they're clocked out by the lovely symphony
Now playing in sync with the tune in my soul.
And the faces never leave, no matter how low I feel.
They continue to keep me company and provide the melody of my life.
And the trees will never hurt me or suede me from the field
Where I can be myself without the limitations of the path.
For it is the field of victory in which I permanently reside.

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